Post Installation
Once you have installed the extension and restarted Firefox, you will see this message window regarding the Toolbar Button. Nothing to worry about though…
Options for Unplug
A good place to start with Unplug is with a quick look at the options. In the General Options tab, you can choose how to access Unplug (i.e. the Tools Menu), whether to submit statistical information on websites downloaded from (this is deselected by default to respect your privacy), and see the location of the Rules File.
The Downloader tab lets you choose between “Automatic”, “Save As”, and “ Open Over Current Window” for download style. It also lists supported downloading extensions that Unplug works with, so if one of these is a favorite of yours then that is even sweeter!
In the Advanced tab, you can choose to show results that do not work correctly if you are looking for a complete listing each time you download a video.
Unplug in Action
Once you have Unplug set up to suit your needs, then it is time to have fun downloading. For our example we chose a fan-made Green Lantern movie trailer at YouTube and have set up the Toolbar Button. To download a video, select from one of the following three actions:
- Click on the Toolbar Button
- Go to the Tools Menu and select “Unplug”
- Right click inside the main browser window and select “Unplug”
You will see the following window once Unplug opens. Notice that there are different levels of video quality listed to choose from (terrific!). To start downloading, simply use the drop down menu and select “Save as”.
Once you have clicked on “Save as”, select your download location and rename the file if you so desire. The video shown above had the following “less than desirable” name, so renaming is a good idea.
If you find yourself downloading videos often, then Unplug can certainly provide an easy access way to do so. Before you know it, that “little green fish” will be your best friend!
Download the Unplug extension (version 2.022)